Your Space in This World
Brand Voice help Small Business owners to further differentiate their Businesses. This is also true ,most people want to be permitted to speak their truth. It is a such a liberating feeling to be in a safe environment where you can discuss your fears , joy , aspirations , failures , dreams and hope. At Hippos to Horses Marketing it is our mission to provide such a platform for all brand owners .Similar to what The Oprah Winfrey show was for so many years , a safe place where challenging conversations were discussed.
Brands are Us
Brands are us! That was the conclusion in the previous blog. This is because Brands resonate with a specific part in our persona .This resonance draws us in and maps our own identity to a certain degree to that of the Brand .Think of diehard Apple customers who will sleep outside a store to be amongst the first to get the latest highly priced product . That is what we call ‘Passion in Action’ a term we use a lot on our Instagrampage when we encourage and engage with Small Business owners.
…‘Passion in Action’…
Since Brands are us … how do we find the right space for them in an already clogged area. Hippos to Horses Marketing believes that there is a space for every Brand that resonates with its audience. This ability for reverberation qualifies the existence of the Brand ( Brand or Business ) and secures its space. This is to encourage all aspiring entrepreneurs, to go ahead and launch your businesses.
“…there is a space for every Brand !”
Growth Mindset the Winning Attitude
Now that we have secured a Business space, the growth-mindset philosophy of hard work and consistency will fuel the entrepreneurial fire . The real hard work is showing up even when looks that we are not making progress. As a Brand owner the following will form part of your daily routine :-
- Finding your niche , your customers or tribe or community
- Consistently communicating to them , how your Brand will solve their problems
- Assuring and reassuring your customers that you are going to walk the journey with them .
- Engage and encouraging your customers .
- Listening to them, this will involve the good , the bad and the ugly. It is often said that the best products are those that form for negative feed back.
- Endeavour to always leave your tribe with the positive brand experience.
Building Businesses and Brands
H2H has intentionally added the words ‘growth-mindset’ because success comes when we purposefully work towards a specific goal. The goal is finding your Brand voice. It is not easy but it can be done and has been done . Look at the Pat Flynn , who started in 2008 having been laid off due to the economic downturn and how he has built many successful business and helped others along the way to do the same.
The Journey of A Thousand Miles
Hippos to Horses Marketing (H2H) when first conceptualized, was primarily targeting corporate Brand Managers. We wanted to use our vast experience in the corporate world to empower Brand managers with the skills and tools they needed to grow their Brands. This target audience quickly changed when H2H Marketing put more content on social media platforms. We realized that more influencers ( Personal Brands owners ) and Small Business owners ( like ourselves ) were resonating with our content. Our voice found us and since then we have been coaching and helping small business owners grow their own Businesses.
Our voice found us and since then we have been coaching and helping small business owners grow their own Businesses.
Hippos to Horses Marketing has now enlarged its definition of Brand Manager to include anyone who was looking after a Brand (personal or corporate ) or Small Business. This inclusion was our Brand voice. Our tribe was thus established.
Freedom to Speak in Our Own Voice
We continue to engage with our tribe on the major social media platforms, where @hippostohorses drops one point lessons on brand growth strategies.
Finding your Brand voice is your ability to communicate to your target audience in your most earnest, honest, genuine voice. It requires you to be confident in presenting your offering. Use your Brand voice in your marketing mix and it should elicit a response. This response can be a Yes, No or Maybe but an answer all the same. If this happens, then you have found your Brand voice. Go ahead and start singing your song!
If your are thinking of starting your own online Business , We are have an elaborate guide to help you press the launch button at the end implementing the 6 steps to your own Online Business. Share it with someone who needs a nurdge in the right direction.
Hippos to Horses Reflections
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