Life Experiences
My life experiences have taught me that Humility is the key to success… and the definition of success is trying, failing and standing up again to do it again until you achieve your goal or learn a better way to it. Life is not linear or perfect .
My life experiences have taught me that Humility is the key to success
Is Humility a strength or a weakness
I bet right now in your mind, the word Humility is associated with weakness. It is often defined as the quality of having a modest view of one’s importance. In my opinion, this is a strength because it places you in a position to be receptive to new ideas and experiences. This willingness will position you at an advantage because you can learn. Charles Darwin shed some light in this area when he said that it was not the strongest that survived. Still, the species willing to adapt to the change . Humility helps us learn and gives us the willingness to adjust to the changes in our environment.
I bet right now in your mind, the word Humility is associated with weakness
Humility does not promote a low self-esteem on the contrary
Humility does not have low self-esteem, quite the contrary, it is possessing a high level of self-awareness. Humility is the confidence to know that you are secure enough to listen to someone else, learn from their experience and hopefully not make the same mistakes. Humility is not taking things for granted, it is making your hay as the sun shines. It’s working hard to become better than you are, it is pushing yourself to achieve more than you think that you are capable of…. It is making those mistakes that and still showing up ready to try again, prepared to own up to them and make amends …move on.
Humility does not have low self-esteem, quite the contrary, it is possessing a high level of self-awareness.
If there is something these ‘ strange times’ aka Covid-19 has shown us, is that our world can change in a day … one day it was OK to go to the grocery, hug a friend, go to work, ride the bus and the next day all these actions could expose you to the coronavirus. Now you are asking what this has to do with Humility… my definition is about the willingness to learn… in this case, learn how to wash your hands, wash/ wipe all your groceries, staying mentally and physically healthy. Learning how to be patient with those around us.
Humility as a life philosophy pushes you out of your comfort zone
Humility as a life philosophy pushes you out of your comfort zone … you become more inclined to consider something different, to listen to voices that you would have dismissed before and accepting that there is always something new that we can learn there is another way of doing and being .
Learning enables you to becomes better at doing things . You horn your talents , strengthen your weakness and minimise your insecurities The more talented or gifted or blessed you are , the greater the need to be humble . Humility will ensure that you do not take what you have for granted.
An attitude of Humility doesn’t take away for you; instead, it enriches your life experiences. It is incredible how much you can learn from someone when you let them unfold themselves before you. The simple act of looking at them straight in the eye and actually listening. Therein lies the magic, the small gems that we can pick up, small precious stones that, when piece together creates a crown jewel …
An attitude of Humility doesn’t take away for you; instead, it enriches your life experiences.
Hippos to Horses Reflections
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