What is Marketing and What Role Does it Play in Your Online Business?
What is Marketing ? It is the task of creating, promoting and delivering goods and services to consumers and businesses. Marketing has a role in providing a higher standard of living; this is because it’s a societal process by which Brand owners create value for others. This value is created through understanding the customer so well that the Brand solves the problem.
Marketing is straightforward because it’s something we do every day from the time we wake up to the time we go to bed. It is what we tell the world about ourselves; by the way, we present ourselves to the world. If we keep our promises, then we are diligent and dependable …much like most things that are German engineered. Right there is a brand promise, an assurance that people around you can expect when they interact with your the product. Marketing, like everything in life, is an art and a science. A product owner or small business owner should know everything about their Brand; this is the science part. The art is in the presentation … (that word again )of the product to the world. The art is in knowing what your customer wants and, how best to deliver this product to them.
The art is knowing your customers, and the science is the easy bit .
Telling your Brand story
What is Marketing ?It is merely telling your story …the story of your Brand …your business in the language of your core customers. It is highlighting the benefits they will get from using your Brand or the problem that will be solved. The story must be simple enough to be understood, and it must resonate with your tribe …they must identify with or feel included in your Brand story.
Marketing management is creating value through the Brands by choosing a target market and engaging with them.
Marketing projects your Brand to the world , in a place that is accessible to your customers and telling them that it will solve their problem (better than any other product ) at a given price, and telling them over and over again. These are the 4Ps of marketing in a nutshell product, placement, price and packaging.If you have a personal brand or small business and you are wondering how best to market it, then you have come to the best place for that, because as you have seen its something, we do every day on a sub-conscience level.
Marketing as a discipline
Marketing as a discipline is responsible for raising the standard of living, by solving problems and creating value. As a storyteller, you are creating value for your tribe. Marketing will grow your business when you have a compelling story that keeps your customers coming back for more.
The trick is to understand or empathize with your tribe. One has to put on their shoes and walk in them, talk to consumers in a voice of compassion and confidence in your Brands ability to give solutions.
The trick is to understand or empathize with your tribe.
Marketing of your Brand is merely doing what you do daily but on a conscious level … word of the moment “mindfulness”. Take some time to think about the feeling you want your customer to feel once they have interacted with your Brand, capture that feeling on paper and try to continuously deliver it to them all the time and maybe with time improve that experience.
Marketing of your Brand is merely doing what you do daily but on a conscious level.
Marketing, like many things in life, is a process, a series of steps, which involve planning, pricing, promotion and distribution of your product. There must be an exchange of value. Marketing is also cyclic; the process must be repeated over and over again to make your business sustainable.
Growth Mindset and Grit
Marketing is not hard, but it takes work … one needs grit and a growth mindset ( Grit by Angela Duckworth and Mindset by Carol Dweck ). These books will help you start to appreciate that hard work pays and no necessarily in the way we want because success not guaranteed, but that endurance and failure will one day look like effortless this success.
Final Thoughts on What is Marketing and Its Purpose in Your Online Business.
Your business brand is the insurance your customers need. Your Brand guarantees that you will continue to meet and exceed their expectation. Your brand will help customers find you because they will identify with your core values.
Your brand’s core values are a reflection of your dream customers’ personalities and their aspirations. The stronger the resonance of your brand and that of your core target’s aspirations, the higher the probability of scaling your business.
Brands that are authentic, ethical, and genuinely want to help solve problems, in the long run, are the true winners.
Life is good with money in the bank but better when you can positively impact the lives of others. As an entrepreneur, life is best when both the money and the service complement each other
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