A wise person learns from another’s experience.
Experience is treasure personified; It’s a collection of failures, triumphs, disappointments, loyalty rewarded and deception, not by others but of yourself. Self-deception happens every time you commit to doing something, and you failed to honour that commitment. You know that time when you spoke too quickly without thinking of the repercussions… or when you procrastinate, thinking that there will be time tomorrow to make things ‘Okay’… Yes! that’s the kind of betrayal we are referring too.
The privilege of going around the sun for over 30 years has not only given Hippos to Horses marketing experience. But along our entrepreneurial journey, we’ve picked up some wisdom, patience, joy and kindness. We are still working on self-control, especially when it comes to cookies (cookie monster, anyone?)
Virtues we have picked up along the way
We now know to take a step back and look for solutions to the problems that we encounter in our Hustle. We have learned to be patient and kind to others. We are strong enough to give grace to ourselves… grace when we make mistakes, grace to rest and not give up, and grace to pick up from where we left off.
Gratitude for the small things and routines
As the earth rotates around its axis every 24 hours, we are now intentional about enjoying the sunrise and sunset. We have learned to Journal last thing at night and early in the morning. The evening entry helps us to stay grounded by giving gratitude for the day. The morning journaling is for us to set future goals when we are in a peak state. We put our plans on paper and read them often so that they become our reality. The written word is powerful, and your journals are a legacy, a piece of you that you leave behind.
Perfectly happy to be imperfect -mistakes are welcome.
We have permitted ourselves to make mistakes; we are happy to be perfectly imperfect. Getting things wrong happens, and that’s okay too. There is a lesson to be learnt and progress to be made. We are, after all, human beings. As former perfectionists, this was tough for us. Our failures are indeed stepping stones.
Change is the only permanent
In 1989, Sir Tim Berners Lee created the world wide web (WWW). The world has witnessed a significant amount of development in digital technology. Over 3 billion people worldwide now regularly use online services to find products, entertainment, friends, romance, and consumer behaviour. In a previous blog, we mention how social media platforms change so quickly that there’s a growing demand for social media courses.
The Pandemic showed us that we are ALL connected
The world continues to change. 2021, our world is plagued by the coronavirus and its mutations. Life will never be the same again for so many reasons. Brick and mortar businesses are now having to build an online presence if they want to stay in business. Business is now a hybrid. Words like agility and pivoting are the new biz buzzwords. We have all learned to change to adapt to the new norm.
Self-motivation speeches
We are learning to repeat these words ‘I can do this!’ I’ve got this!’ and ‘I love myself!’ consistently until these words become our reality. We know that practice makes perfect. Every time we post a blog, share a post on social media, we get better. Every time we keep a commitment to others and ourselves, we are building confidence in our abilities. Internally we start to identify as people who keep promises, achievers, mentors, leaders and entrepreneurs … We begin to become the people we want to be by consistently displaying those behaviours …mini habits.
Growth mindset the key to unlocking your potential
At hippos to horses marketing, we know that this is only possible if we have a growth mindset! A growth mindset allows us to learn new things, different ways of doing things more effectively. We reward the effort and not the outcome, so if today you’ve read this blog article, you can reward yourself for putting in the effort to give gratitude and allowing yourself to reflect on this new content.
Starting something new …
If you are encouraged today to start your Hustle, you are on to something positive! Give yourself permission, to go out there and make your mistakes. Dare to spin around your own axis, keep moving, keep hustling, keep improving, keep making promises to yourself and honouring them. Learn the one thing that could change your business or be your business, attend webinars, buy quality courses and read books. We challenge you to be intentional about the content you consume. Like it or not, the material you read and listen too will help you to become the person you want to be.
Giving back … no grand gestures … just the little random acts of kindness
A few months ago, if you had read out blogs, you would know we have a thing for Tommy Hilfiger on sale! Hippos to Horses Marketing has made a conscious decision to invest some of our resources to alleviate ‘ period poverty’. So, Tommy, we realise we just need one pair of white sneakers, and it will have to do (about the black and midnight blue sneakers, send us a discount code). But seriously, if there’s anything we’ve learned in 2020 and 2021 is that life is short. It’s like vapour. We must look outside ourselves and make somebody else smile, even if for a minute. It’s the little things in life that matter…making that call today …giving something away. We can make this world a better place by being kind to ourselves, allowing ourselves to make mistakes and at the same time passing this kindness to someone else.