Why Are Some People So Amazingly Good At What They Do?
Have you ever listened to or read about the success stories of people who have achieved extraordinary things? Why are some people so amazingly good at what they do?
Almost everywhere you look, from competitive sports, musical performance, medicine and business, there are those unique, exceptional individuals who astonish us with what they can do and how well they do it.
It turns out that we all have the same ability.
It turns out that we all have the same ability. According to Ericsson and Pool in their book Peak, we also have the gift. We are born with it, and with the right approach, we can develop it. We all have the ability to create our potential.
We build our gift through a systematic and consistent way of learning. Learning isn’t the way to reaching one’s potential but rather a way of developing it. Our potential is not limited but expandable. Take a minute to digest that.

Slay The Dragon Perfection : It Can Be So Limiting
So today, I want to allow you to slay the dragon perfection. Perfectionism is so limiting. Contrary to what many people think, it is not a strength. The more I learn about success. It is becoming clear that successful people simply go ahead and start.
They make mistakes and correct them along the way. Successful people do not let their failures or success define them because they are not perfect. They know that their potential is expandable. Successful people are constantly learning and expanding in all areas of their lives.
Today is the Perfect day to Start Letting Go of Your Limitations
If you are starting your own business, today is the perfect day to start it. Everything will never be aligned. You may have created something, and you already doubt yourself and your ability. Look! We have all been there. Just start! Perfectionism paralyses us and denies us the opportunity to serve others.

The Entrepreneurial Journey is Full of Peaks and Troughs
Accept that the entrepreneurial journey is full of peaks and troughs, but the secret is to bounce back and try again and again. Like an eaglet learning to fly, you will fail at some things and make mistakes. So has every exceptional person we read about; we just do not see them practising their skills over and over again.
They are extraordinary because they never give up.
See Failure as a Launchpad to Developing Your Potential.
Reframe failure in your mind; see failure as a launchpad to developing your potential. Eventually, you will soar so high and glide, the wind will carry you. But only if your take action now to start building your legacy, stop procrastinating and pour energy into making your dream come true.